/ online network / 2013
Concept, design, visualisation & documentation of an online network for creative travellers / bachelor thesis
Combining the world of traveling and creativity, this social network aims to bring together creative people all around the world. Creative travelers can get in contact with locals from creative scenes and get in touch with them either just for a exchange of ideas and insights between cultures or to start a new project together. It is also a collection of must sees and secret tips in places around the world collected and extended especially for and by creative people.

Create your own profile either as a traveler or as a contact and get in touch with other members of WANDERDESIGN. Meet designers for a coffee in Manila, start a project with street artists from Melbourne or invite travelers to join your studio while they are in town or offer a tour and insights to your city that normal visitors rarely get.

WANDERDESIGN is not a platform for jobs, internships or cheap work, instead it is an opportunity for creative minds around the world to exchange their ideas and ways of thinking. It is based on the idea of the tradition of the journeymen who were traveling from city to city working for different masters of their profession all while only working for food and accommodation. In this way travelers get a chance to broaden their creative horizon and to make a living and continue their travels while local contacts profit from new ideas and creativity from different cultures while meeting new talents from all around the world.
See a full demonstration of WANDERDESIGN below (11:26):

Click here to watch a specific part of the demonstration:
home & news
locations // traveler // contacts // organisations
spots // pieces // tips
about & legal // route planner // mobile

WANDERDESIGN is still in its conceptual phase but I plan on spreading the idea during my journey, inviting people to join me as early contributors and local supporters before finally turning idea to reality.
If you want to know more details about WANDERDESIGN or if you are interestend in contributing please feel free to write me an email to hi[at]arnebegher.de
Printed documentation of concept, theory and details about the Wanderdesign network, its creation and design.